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The Career and Personal Coaching Package® provides a powerful way to find your ideal career and create a practical, step wise, empowering vocational and personal plan for your future. We spend around 100,000 hours of our lives at our work. So it is absolutely vital that you choose and actively manage your vocation, as this decision will have a profound and lasting influence on how you live every aspect of your life. If you insist on a strong sense of meaning in your work, if you align your values with your vocation, your psychological wellbeing and sense of personal congruence is assured.

How You Benefit 

* Five 30 minute bespoke career coaching sessions delivered face to face online via video call with recording option

* A Career Action Plan® to help you maintain focus on your career goals and the strategies required to reach those goals

* Use of the Strong Interests Profile ®, the world's leading career interests assessment, to find your top vocational interest areas, based on your personality, motivators and values

* The only career counselling and coaching service in Australia that provides you with carefully chosen independent recommendations from the vast array of higher education, training, skills development and other career pathways on offer, then supports you on your chosen career and personal path

* The option of weekly or fortnightly stress-free sessions so you can progress at your own pace, as you set and achieve your career and personal goals

* Remove any doubts, challenges and self-limiting behaviours that may be affecting your progress

* Use of your key personal values, skills and attributes to get the most satisfaction from your life

* Apply proven vocational and psychological strategies to quickly advance in your current role or gain a new position

* Development of your unique 'personal brand' to create and control the way you wish to present yourself, describing what is unique and distinctive about you and what you have to offer

* If self employment or an 'encore career' is your immediate or longer term goal, learn how to create and implement a practical, step-wise plan, aligned to your values and on your own terms

* Specialised support for people professionally diagnosed as neurodivergent (1 in 8 Australians are neurodivergent)

Book Career and Personal Coaching Package® $1,250

(May be tax deductible, consult your tax professional)

Worried about your return on investment in a Career and Personal Coaching Package? Check out the Client Reviews.


Career and Personal Coaching Package

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