If you believe any of the following, Revolution Career Counselling is not for you or yours!
1. I can work out my career and my life direction myself. It’s working wonderfully thus far.
2. I should just be grateful I have a job.
3. My children receive great career counselling at school/uni/TAFE. (Check in with your daughter/son on this one!)
4. Young people today are too soft and think that life owes them a living. You don’t have to like your job, just do it and live for the weekends.
5. If I keep my head down, I’ll keep my job and be OK.
6. My current job pays well, so I just need to suck up the fact that I hate going to work most days. Also, my partner/friends/family all really enjoy my regular debriefs about how I am undervalued, unhappy, bored, frustrated etc.
7. Career counselling is expensive (2 days income using the average Australian wage).
8. I really do not believe in the idea of a vocation rather than a job.
9. I am too scared to change, life is hard and I’ll be dead soon anyway.